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  • ...Gregorian and Hijri Calendars, Date conversion, Special Islamic...
    Islamic Directory, Hijri Calendar, Islamic Photo Gallery, 1437 Ramadan 2016 Prayer Times and Athan (Azan) Software.

  • Islamic Calendar 2014 - 2015 1436 Hijri - Top Islamic Blog!
    Islamic Calendars 2015, 1436 Hijri. Download A4, A5 and Wallpaper sizes.

  • Hijri calendar 1434 Islamic Calendar 2012/13 Download
    The hijri calendar is the Islamic lunar calendar. We are now in the year 1434, this means that it has been that many years since the authority of Islam was established in the world. New Islamic Calendar 1436 Download Now Click Here. The hijra (migration) to the new state meant that muslims were able...

  • Hijri Calendar 1436 – Wajibad Pre-Islamic calendar
    Islamic Hijri Calendar تقويم هجري Download: The Hijri Calendar 1436 Download: The Hijri Calendar Arabic 1436 - التقاويم الهجرية ‎ ١٤٣٦ The current Islamic year is 1436 AH.

  • Islamic calendar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    The Islamic calendar, Muslim calendar or Hijri calendar (Anno Hijri or AH) is a lunar calendar consisting of 12 months in a year of 354 or 355 days. It is used to date events in many Muslim countries (concurrently with the Gregorian calendar)...

  • Islamic Calendar 2015 (1436)/ Hijri Calendar 2015 (1436) for Download
    Download Printable Islamic Calenadr 2015, Hijri Calendar 1436. Islamic festivals have been marked in this islamic calendar.

  • Islamic Calendar 2016 Pakistan - Hijri Months 1437 & Gregorian...
    The Islamic Calendar is regarded as “Hijri Calendar”. It has 12 months in the year which consist of 354 or 355 days.

  • Islamic Calendar 2015: Islamic Months With Hijri 1436/Gregorian...
    Hijri calendar which is also an Islamic Calendar starts from Hijrah of Medina. Islamic Calendar 2015 has 12 months in the year which consist of 354 or 355 days because it is based on lunar system not on solar system which has 365 days a

  • Islamic Calendar 2015 - Ummul Qura Hijri Dates
    Markings are applied to the first date and the three dates of Yaum al-Bidh for each hijri months, i.e.: 13,14,15, on which days muslims are encouraged to fast.

  • Islamic calendar Convert Hijri to civil date or civil to Hijri date
    of the Hijra, the calendar was named the Hijra calendar.

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